The medical staff noticed an ammonia-like smell coming out of the syringe used to install a catheter in Ramirez's arm. The researchers could think of two scenarios that would explain how Ramirez had been exposed to DMSO. Agents such as lidocaine and Bretylium were given to correct her heartbeat. Matching Colors Simply White 2143-70 Add to Cart Shopping List There were also injuries on the back of her head consistent with blunt force, and the coroner stated that he believed she had not died from a fall, but may have been beaten. On February 21st, Lams body was found on the roof of the hotel in a water tank. Experts have speculated that Cuba or a third party could have been testing a sonic weapon. After Welch collapsed, several other staff members began to say they felt ill, and hospital administrators declared an internal emergency. There was immediate speculation that Marks drank menthol intentionally, perhaps driven by depression over the desolate polar environment. Two months after Ramirez died, her badly decomposed body was released for an independent autopsy and burial. If Andresens team is right, one has to wonder whether the outbreak was unique. Grant was a bit hesitant. The ropes were made from abac or Musa textilis, which is grown in the Philippines;[3] hence the association with Manila, its capital city. The plan they developed was straightforward: analyze the compounds, both organic and inorganic, in the blood, bile, and tissues from Ramirezs organs, including her heart, liver, lungs, brain, and kidneys. They shot through two sets of double glass doors, veered to their left, and parked her in a small curtained space marked trauma room one. Facebook Watch is the place to enjoy videos and shows together. [2] Electric shocks administered during emergency defibrillation could have then converted the DMSO2 into dimethyl sulfate (DMSO4), the highly toxic dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, exposure to which could have caused some of the reported symptoms of the emergency department staff. Soon she was in such bad shape that she too was laid out on a gurney. The second nurse fainted too and later a respiratory therapist was the third to pass out. (A liter of liquid dimethyl sulfate sells for around $32.) While treating Ramirez, several hospital workers fainted and others experienced symptoms such as shortness of breath and muscle spasms. She was sedated and then defibrillated by doctors, who noticed that her body was covered in an oily sheen. [2] Sold in gel form at hardware stores, it could also explain the greasy appearance of Ramirez's body. They believed that Ramirez was using a chemical called dimethyl sulfoxide gel to treat pain at home. Livermore Labs postulated that Ramirez had been using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a solvent used as a powerful degreaser, as a home remedy for pain. She wanted someone to look at the case more closely, and in her opinion Livermore was the only laboratory involved without a vested interest. The health departments report triggered another flurry of news reports; these featured Gorchynski and her lawyer, physician Russell Kussman, who denounced the mass hysteria conclusion. Some fashion schools and people in the fashion industry use large rolls of Manila to create finalised clothing patterns. These are all professional emergency room workers. In 1994, a man threw his own son from the bridge under the belief that the child was the devil, further adding to Overtouns dark reputation. That Andresen had found evidence of dimethyl sulfone in Ramirezs blood and organs pointed to her having first been exposed to DMSO. DMSO is a solvent used as a powerful degreaser and sometimes as a home remedy for pain. They took a blood sample and saw manila-colored particles floating in it. He also sought medical attention immediately, which made a suicide attempt even more unlikely. One of the harshest critics of the Livermore theory is a scientist who did much of the clinical research on DMSO in the early 1960s. It was a registered nurse, Susan Kane, who drew blood and noticed the smell as the syringe filled. Acoustic or sonic weapons have been in development since at least the 1990s and certain types have been used around the world to disperse crowds and protesters. Then with an electrical shock from the defibrillator, it could have become dimethyl sulfate, a toxic chemical that could have poisoned the staff. Welch sniffed the syringe and smelled something, too: I thought it would smell like chemotherapy, the way the blood smells putrid when people are taking some of those drugs. In the HSL color space #e7c9a9 has a hue of 31 (degrees), 56% saturation and 78% lightness. The Livermore scientists do offer a cautionary note in their report, which recommends that hospitals be made aware of the possible consequences of such a chemical reaction occurring in their emergency rooms. It was one of those deals that was pretty fortuitous, Grant says. One thing that particularly struck him was a speculation in the autopsy report about the source of the garlicky odor of Ramirezs body and its oily sheen: DMSO. It contained a photo with a strong resemblance to him, but the lead went nowhere. To help lure him back to the case, she sent him a copy of a scrapbook of material she had accumulated, including news stories, the Riverside coroners report, legal briefs, and toxicology reports. Her blood also alarmingly smelled like ammonia. But Marks was engaged, seemingly enjoyed his work, and had dozens of other people to socialize with. Lam appeared to be hiding from someone in the hallway or potentially suffering a mental crisis of some kind. That goal fostered the creation, in 1990, of the forensic center, a clearinghouse that would allow state and federal law enforcement forensic teams to enlist high-tech aid from scientists at Livermore and other Department of Energy labs. Welch, meanwhile, forced air into Ramirezs lungs with an Ambu-bag, a football-size rubber bladder connected to a plastic mask thats placed over the patients nose and mouth, serving as a sanitary alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Shortly thereafter, Gorchynski began to feel nauseated. The evidence at the scene was strange from the beginning. In her case the avascular necrosis attacked her knees, restricting her to crutches for months. The shattering pattern, unique to every substance, is called a mass spectrum. It also triggered one of the most extensive investigations in forensic history medical detectives from ten local, state, and federal outfits examined dozens of potential culprits, from poisonous sewer gas to mass hysteria. Trace levels of radiation were discovered in the campsite and a scrap of cloth from a military jacket was also found at the scene. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications. This color has an approximate wavelength of 580.86 nm. That surreal night would throw Riverside General Hospital into newspapers and tv news broadcasts for weeks, as the frightening possibility of a human body releasing toxic fumes captured the publics imagination. The Livermore scientists had been working on the case for free as a public service, after hours and on the weekends. All the emergency room patients were ordered to move to the parking lot. About 8:15p.m. on the evening of February 19, 1994, Ramirez, suffering from severe heart palpitations, was brought into the emergency department of Riverside General Hospital in Riverside, by paramedics. Sooez 18 Pack Plastic File Folders Colored with Sticky Labels, Letter Size Colored File Folders with Erasable 1/3-Cut Tab, Stronger Than Manila File Folder, Perfect for Organization, Assorted Color. Each of the emitters has its own texture emission attributes, so you can apply a different texture (or color) to each group of particles even though each emitter emits the same nParticle object. It seemed that everybody in the athletic department was using dmso on injuries, he recalls. I have used it as a solvent up to at least 300 degrees, he says. Gorchynski continued to experience tremors and apnea. Oxygen molecules flooded her bloodstream, combining with the DMSO in her system, the researchers hypothesized, to form high levels of dimethyl sulfone. Complaining that she was light-headed, she left the trauma room and sat at a nurses desk. Other scientists dont see a match between the symptoms of the hospital staff and some of the symptoms of industrial workers who have been accidentally exposed to dimethyl sulfate. Ana Maria Osorio and Kirsten Waller, on the case. [8][9] The first paper was technically detailed and contained two potential chemical reaction mechanisms that may possibly have formed dimethyl sulfate from dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone precursors. About 8:15 in the evening on February 19, 1994, paramedics wheeled a young woman into the emergency room of General Hospital in the southern California city of Riverside. Theyre swamped with calls and letters urging them to get to the bottom of a host of mysteries, from Gulf War syndrome the symptoms suffered by some U.S. soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf to sudden infant death syndrome. Taking no chances, they put on airtight moon suits and disappeared into a sealed examining chamber to work on the body. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, Ramirez died from complications related to cancer. Outside, in the parking lot, hospital staff were treating patients and ill colleagues under the dull orange glow of sulfur lamps. About 10 for 9 P.M, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to cancer. They searched for any of a host of noxious chemicals, including hydrogen sulfide (also known as sewer gas), an insidious poison that smells like rotten eggs and at high concentrations can kill a person after one or two whiffs, and phosgene, a gas with a dual identity on the one hand, a law-abiding ingredient used in the preparation of many organic chemicals, and on the other a terrible weapon for chemical warfare that tears open capillaries in the lungs, drowning its victims in blood. Printed on 2 sides in black ink. Micozzi is a forensic pathologist who has helped investigate dozens of unusual deaths. Andresen measured their concentrations and then piped the vapors into the mass spectrometer chamber, which fires electrons at the chemicals. Ignoring the red herrings, Andresen found a few interesting anomalies. The Livermore team was able to cull details about the symptoms of dimethyl sulfate exposure from the reference book, as well as from a safety sheet that accompanies any dimethyl sulfate purchased by industry. But the strangest theory is a supernatural idea. Georges ladder was missing. Im a nuclear chemist, and my organic chemistry knowledge truthfully is minuscule, he says. This urban legend, similar to the Bloody Mary mirror game, involves pressing elevator buttons in a certain order to travel to a different dimension. [3] Oxygen administered by the paramedics would have combined with the DMSO to form dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2). However, Osorio and Waller did not rule out the possibility that some substance poisoned emergency room staff who had worked directly over Ramirez. A total of 23 staff became sick after exposure, and 5 were hospitalized. You can color emitted particles with a 2D or 3D texture. Next Andresen analyzed the samples using a high-powered tool known as a computer-guided combined gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Soviet authorities investigated and decided that six died from hypothermia and three from trauma. However, a former hotel employee endorsed the theory and said that helicopters were known to fly low over the hotel, despite the airspace rules. She was convinced that neither she nor anyone else that night had been party to mass hysteria. Abac is an exceptionally strong fibre, nowadays used for special papers like tea bag tissue. She looked closely at the blood and saw manila-colored particles suspended in the otherwise normal sample. We found we could load it up in the Ringers solution to an appreciable extent without any sweat, says Grant. Order Pick-Up; Pure Leaf Iced Tea . In chemistry little changes can sometimes lead to big results. There the hospital staff started treating the patients and colleagues. Balderas endured bouts of apnea during a ten-day hospitalization. Up to 600 dogs may have died this way, prompting theories that a supernatural presence may be at play. 30 Pack Project File Folders with 1/3 Cut Tab, Letter Size Colored File Folders, Manila File Notes Folders, Decorative Project Folders for School, Home, Office Supplies, 9.5 x 11.5 Inches 4.5 (43) $1599 $18.99 Save more with Subscribe & Save FREE delivery on $25 shipped by Amazon. At the time he died, Rivera seemed to be happily married and pursuing his dream of becoming a screenwriter. DMSO has a checkered past. Boxed in groups of 1,000. When there was such a nice match on the symptoms that was the first indication that we might really have had something, Grant says. The Riversides Coroners Office gave the investigation work to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who came up with the DMSO hypothesis. Nests of small animals including minks have also been found near the bridge, adding to this theory. They interviewed 34 hospital staff who had been working in the emergency room on February 19. By this time Gorchynski had filed a lawsuit against Riverside General Hospital, the coroners office, and several others, seeking $6 million in damages. Colored Particles. In real blood those crystals might have appeared manila-colored. Personal removed her immediately, but a few moments later Dr. Gorchynski felt ill. Her blood smelled like ammonia and there were manila-colored particles floating in her blood. Gloria Cecilia Ramirez (January 11, 1963 February 19, 1994)[1] was a woman from Riverside, California, who was dubbed "the Toxic Lady" or "the Toxic Woman" by the media when several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. It takes a really damn potent toxin to do all that, says Sheldon Wagner, a clinical toxicologist at Oregon State University. People who had worked within two feet of Ramirez and had handled her intravenous lines had been at high risk. Broken down by the liver, dimethyl sulfone has a half-life in the body of less than three days, so healthy people never have measurable amounts in their system. Then Kane collapsed on the emergency room floor. In one, Ramirez spread a cream on her skin that contained phencyclidine (better known as PCP, or angel dust) dissolved in a DMSO carrier base (a common way to take the drug). Lams strange behavior in the elevator has led some to believe that Lam was playing a Korean elevator game. But dimethyl sulfone itself couldnt knock out an emergency room, so when Andresen flew to Riverside on April 12 to brief the coroner, his conclusion was that he had found nothing that looked like a poison. Overtoun Bridge is known for being a place where dogs leap to their deaths, shocking local residents and drawing international media attention. Two staff members moved the body to an isolation anteroom adjacent to trauma one. Researchers Double-Play Cancer Clinical Trials, Dogs May Be Key in Early Bladder Cancer Detection, A Blood Test That Screens For Multiple Cancers At Once Promises To Boost Early Detection, Developing A Drug To Identify And Target Tricky Cancer Cells. Shortly after that, three of the medics began feeling sick and fainted one after the other. The Livermore chemists envision a reaction which hasnt yet been observed in which some of the molecules of dimethyl sulfone in Ramirezs blood broke apart. Lams family asked the police to look for her after she failed to contact them during her trip. Potential military bombings of a nearby lake could have sent jellyfish material into the air and caused it to mix with rain clouds. The truth behind Lams death, however, remains a mystery. Alcohol was also found in her system. Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA "The Toxic Lady", Whose Body Emitted Toxic Fumes That Caused the ER Staff to Faint Cloth from a military jacket was also found at the scene used it as a computer-guided combined gas spectrometer... Samples using a chemical called dimethyl sulfoxide gel to treat pain at home chemistry knowledge truthfully minuscule! To her having first been exposed to DMSO medical attention immediately, which fires electrons at the time he,! The greasy appearance of Ramirez and had handled her intravenous lines had been working in the fashion use!, seemingly enjoyed his work, and my organic chemistry knowledge truthfully is minuscule, says... 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