Jupiter Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled communication zone on Wednesday, clearing up your miscommunications. Struggles between your personal and professional life may be at odds, and you can feel torn in two directions. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If youve wanted to step into your courage, tell Wednesdays New Moon in Sagittarius so it can help make it happen. Popularity soars in 2022! Horoscope MISCELLANY. You may be ready to shock and surprise some family members on August 26 when Venus in Leo squares off with Uranus in your sign. If youre working on a project, delays and some cosmic speed bumps are on the menu, but dont be discouraged. . We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Creativity and collaboration are on the menu. This is Jupiters final dip into Pisces until 2033, so make the most of it! Changes coming in 2022 for Taurus - Four of Swords It's been a rough year or so, and it has taken more out of you than you think, Taurus. Think back to May 10what major shifts were taking place around this time, especially about your belief system? Shes studied the mystical arts for over a decade from studying the stars, palm reading, tarot, mediumship, energy work, curanderismo, EFT tapping, and more. Jupiter Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled romance zone on Wednesday, returning luck to your love life. You may start putting more mental energy into dating, a creative project, or cultivating more joy in your life. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Zoom out and think about the big picturewhere do you want to be six months from now? Your lovely ruler Venus, love and money goddess extraordinaire, begins her year retrograde and partnered with fellow earth sign serious and ambitious Capricorn. Some of the challenges youve been dealing with in your private life may reach the public stage (like social media or y9our group chat). "itemListElement": [{ Weekly Astrology Forecast, January 15-21: Releasing the Old. This month will see you pay school fees on time. Of all the signs,. Clock out and connect, Aquarius! The Sun in Capricorn clashes with Jupiter in Aries on the same day, which can lead to profound breakthroughs. Job seekers will have several opportunities to interview this month, and everything will go smoothly due to your excellent track record. You may find yourself wanting to invest more time with your sweetie. If youve been stuck in a creative slump or struggling with writers block, your inspiration returns! "item": "https://www.cosmopolitan.in/horoscope/" This cosmic climate is poised to elevate your intuition and luck, making it a great time to focus on manifesting your hopes and dreams. Dont be afraid to make friends with the raw, primal, and instinctual feelings that arise today. 3 min read. Shes passionate about being of service and helping others heal. }, Couples counselling has helped you work through your issues and understand each other better. Your influence will increase in the workplace. You may be working on an important work project or feel like theres just not enough time in the day to do your job, run errands, eat, exercise, and sleep! This June, start an emergency fund and live life ready for the unknown. "name": "Team Cosmo", Your Daily Work Horoscope for January 16, 2023. Emotions run high in this area of your life and you start to feel conflicted (possibly around June) about which pathway you should be taking. In all you do, ensure that you always put your partner first. The Suns annual entrance in Libra coincides with the Fall Equinox. Shes passionate about being of service and helping others heal. If youve been overextending yourself at work, this could be the perfect time to take a personal day. Pivotal news or information about your cash may also arrive. Your Taurus Horoscope for the Month of May 2022 Our in-house astrologer Jai Madaan tells you what's in store for your sign By Team Cosmo 09 May 2022 Love & Relationships Dear Taurus, your relationship with your spouse will be excellent this month. Important efforts will get support. Morale will be maintained. Some of them can even visit temples and holy places. Stay away from risk. By Jake Register, Monisha Holmes and Colin Bedell Published: Dec 13, 2022 It's that time again: A new year is right around the corner. Things are working out for the better and you should be happy. Minor illnesses may wreak havoc on your immune system; thus, eat a healthy, balanced diet to stay active to keep your heart healthy. Couples counselling has helped you work through your issues and understand each other better. ", This will help you take your relationship to the next level. Honor your boundaries as needed. Solitude is just what the doctor ordered so you can tend to your heart and body. Health & Fitness: Every new day allows you to start fresh, eat healthy, exercise, drink a lot of water and think happy thoughts. Dont be afraid to ask for helpyou deserve it. Straight talk, Libra! Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and inspires you to travel to new countries (or campuses?) Health & Fitness Horoscope September 2022 predicts that this month you will have issues with your health. Working with others toward a shared goal will prove beneficial. These vibes are all about putting your thoughts into action, and with Mars newly free from its retrograde motion, now is the time to charge forward. Aquarius. Heres How to Shop for Them, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. While you'll be juggling a few different things, particularly career and your domestic life, as well as your social network, you could find yourself truly enjoying it. Your horoscope for the week ahead is here! You may feel more raw or exposed than normal. Financially, this month is comfortable; you have additional trades that generate revenue for you. This is a powerful time to explore your subconscious and engage in healing work. You may learn some surprising yet thrilling news. On the same day, Mercury and Venus, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky. A few days later on October 30, Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini. Hearing from people from your past is also a major possibility, so don't be surprised if your ex texts you. Youre ready to invite more fun into your life! Read your monthly horoscope for January 2022 by zodiac sign. . You need to find someone who understands your aspirations. By Narayana Montfar. Decan 1 Taurus 2022 Horoscope. What does 2023 have in store for Aquarius? For reprint rights: Syndications Today, Download the latest issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine just for. A colleague or friend may give you a public endorsement that helps you network or expand your community. "position": 2, Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and reframes the way you think of emotional safety: the people and places that keep you safe. How has the pressure to maintain a certain reputation lead to a stale and stagnant feeling in your partnerships? Monetary gains: The percentage of success will be high. Will try to achieve long-term goals. Family life this month will be stable. The astrological reason for your late 20s crisis, Everything you need to know about Aquarians. This year, Saturn transiting in Aquarius will bring economic benefits. Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. "image": { Capricorn. It all starts here. Take your time browsing. Your focus turns to your family on August 14 when the Sun in Leo has a tug-of-war with Saturn in Aquarius at the top of your chart. You can now satisfy a customers needs from the comfort of your shop, office, or home. If you want it to be simpler, put your possessiveness aside and let your other half breathe without you. This could reignite some of your hopes and dreams for the future. Promise. If you've wanted to challenge your blocks to intimacy, tell the. Respect your own boundaries. If you want to change Chateau Virgo, tell the New Moon in Sagittarius on Wednesday your plans. Many Taurus natives will make new plans and will, interestingly, abide by them. If you're single, you might meet someone really charismatic and compatible, maybe a Water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer . Listen to each other and be willing to support each other. This transit will activate the part of your chart that has to do with your finances and work. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, re-enters Aries on December 20. Sexual tension is in the air, but a conflict of values could also rear its head. By Stephanie N. Campos Sep 1,. Know a Pisces? Shes studied the mystical arts for over a decade from studying the stars, palm reading, tarot, mediumship, energy work, curanderismo, EFT tapping, and more. "@list": ["https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/sites/cosmo/sites/default/files/2022-06/IMG_3173_1.jpg?JpELvatV41C0gCtbwiJv6Nti13yJKdoK&size=1200:675"] Jupiter Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled home zone on Wednesday, returning you to a context of home, family, safety, and belonging. Try not to overextend yourselfit could affect your physical and mental health. "datePublished": "2022-06-03T16:43:52+05:30", Mulank 5 Jyotish 18 January 2022 Numerology Prediction: 5 . A difference in ideology or perspective could be the root of the issue. Personal breakthroughs and revelations can take place, and you might be feeling more hopeful about some personal ambitions and projects. "itemListElement": [{ Happy (almost) birthday, Sag! You deserve a little help and support, too. .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo and it gains strength as it moves through this sign. "width": 600, "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "@context": "https://schema.org", Sambad English Bureau Published On : Dec 24, 2022 at 6:10 PM Updated On : Dec 24, 2022 at 2:52 PM. Taurus Monthly Horoscope for October 2022, Astrology Forecast Lifestyle Astrology Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for October How's your wallet? If the pandemic has disrupted your financial life, it has also taught you why it is important to have an emergency fund. Jupiter Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled income zone on the same day, motivating you to cultivate financial security by practicing your values. If there are any signs of power imbalances, jealousy, or manipulation tactics, now is the time to address as necessary. For attached Taureans, getting back to a place of romance and respect is vital. A spiritual experience may also stand outpay attention to signs from the universe. The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 lights up your relationship axis. "@type": "ListItem", This isnt the time to overindulge and spend lavishlyits a time to reflect on your sense of security and financial plans for the future. Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and motivates to you meet a new version of yourself. 18 2023 (Taurus Horoscope): , . Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and helps you leave work and reunite with your closest friends. Your June 2022 horoscope encourages you to do things that make you healthy and happy. Predictions: Jai Madaan Illustration: Nandini Bhattacharya ", Want to know what's in store for your star sign for 2023? Tell the New Moon in Sagittarius your intentions for income, safety, and pleasure on Wednesday. Its time to jump off the overthinking train on August 8 when Venus in Cancer sits across from Pluto in Capricorn. A Full Moon in Aries on October 9 reminds you that even the most successful people need to slow down and rest. Later in the day, Venus enters Capricorn and you just got a little more fearless when it comes to love. You may receive news of a bonus, promotion, or raise under these sweet skies. Remember that technology has transformed ways of doing business. Career & Finance This month, your career will flourish because you opened up and allowed people to help you. Find that special someone you cant go a day without, and dont hold back! Lucky numbers: 8 and 6 Lucky colour: Marine ALSO READ | Horoscope Today December 17, 2022: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces --- ENDS --- Now, we can expect 2021 astrology issues to come to a close during this time, and there will be a few loops here and there. Heres How to Shop for Them, The Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Guide, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac Sign, Your Horoscope for the Week of January 15, ICYMI: Andrew Garfield Is Obsessed with Astrology, Everything You Need to Know About Earth Signs, These Gifts Are Perfect for the Aries in Your Life, All About Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility. by Jennifer Parris Dec. 18, 2021 This past year hasn't been easy for you, Taurus. "@list": ["https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/sites/cosmo/sites/default/files/2022-05/Taurus_1.jpg?9890HWuF5Om6iOcvT4oJ7MPHc.wSGCBK&size=1200:675"] Taurus Comfort is overrated, Taurus! You will also be able to set aside money for pleasure. This is a rebirthing moment for Venus, which experiences a fresh dose of energy and motivation while sitting in the heart of the Sun on October 22. Shes studied the mystical arts for over a decade from studying the stars, palm reading, tarot, mediumship, energy work, curanderismo, EFT tapping, and more. Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Capricorn on December 6, bringing some exciting news or invitations with it! "@context": "https://schema.org", However, make sure you think before you speak! Stephanie N. Campos (she/her/hers) is an astrologer, witch, and healer. You will be enthusiastic about your current career path and have everything you need to try new things to bring you happiness. "author": { You may be discussing making a joint investment or purchase, or merging finances with a partner. Look for a stable institution in which you can put your money. Topics related to inheritances or debts may also come up. Pisces. You may be talking more about money on November 17 as Mercury, the planet of mind, joins the party in Sagittarius. December 2022 Monthly Rashifal : December, the last month of the year 2022, is about to begin. On the same day, Mercury, the messenger planet, sits in the heart of the Sun, which is known as a cazimi. "publisher": { Its easy to give into unresolved power struggles, jealousy, paranoia, and overthinking. Situationships and romantic dramas from the past also begin to fade into the ether. Its time to do some thorough your research and get started. }. Taurus. A few positive affirmations can help combat any frustrations that arise under these tumultuous skies. While you're finishing up your holiday shopping and starting. . 2022. "position": 1, Here's Taurus' horoscope for the coming year You are a deep thinker already, but 2023 will bring an even more rounded and deep-reaching scope to your level of personal insight, self awareness and intuition. Business ventures they have kept on hold are going to become active again. Are you finding a balance or picking up some workaholic tendencies? In other words, it is going to be a great year full of blessings from God. The month starts out with you craving some space when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 5. A passionate student of astrology, A Course in Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal spiritual themes. If youre having a hard time seeing the brighter side and joy feels inaccessible, tell the New Moon in Sagittarius on Wednesday about your willingness to practice gratitude and curiosity. This is a powerful time for some honest reflection on your belief system and thought process. Another wave of exciting info makes its way to you on December 17 when Mercury in Capricorn connects with Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon in Libra on September 25 arrives with a fresh start in your work world. If youre partnered, your beloved may be criticizing some of your spending habits, or vice versa. Youre feeling inspired by your community. "position": 1, Or perhaps youre ready to make a major commitment or investment in your future. . Follow her on Instagram and TikTok. If youre spiritual, this is an aligned time to flex your psychic muscles and tune into messages from your ancestors and spirit team. "name": "Cosmopolitan India", The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 ushers in a fresh start around debt, vulnerability, merging resources, and your psyche. Let the good times roll! For reprint rights: Syndications Today, Download the latest issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine just for. Taurus Horoscope 2022: Financial Life. You may find yourself reflecting on your thought patterns and belief system. In family matters, be the mediator whenever there is a disagreement among family members to evade conflict and maintain peace and happiness. Copyright 2023 Living Media India Limited. If youre working on a project with colleagues, its smooth sailing ahead. Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023. . Play super-connector while expansive Jupiter in Pisces revs your team spirit until May 10 (and again after October 28). Your beautiful ruler Venus spends the first day of the year in your house of expansion, which is an immediate sign that it's time to start your next great adventure. Check the full predictions here. Some confusion may occur, so dont overreact just yet. You will feel relaxed and stress free as all your issues . TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) You will see great change in 2022, Taurus! PureWow. Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for November, Mars Retrograde Is Slowing Down Your Sex Life, Know a Pisces? "mainEntityOfPage": "True" "image": { Taurus, the time has come for you to switch careers. Family drama may reach new heights as Venus in Leo clashes with Saturn in Aquarius on August 28. Taurus: April 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022 Mercury in Virgo connects with Uranus, which is currently in your sign, possibly bringing unexpected news and some surprising thrills! Mercury, the planet of the mind, re-enters Libra on October 10, bringing your attention back to your health and routines. Vrishabh Rashifal 18 January 2023: . Money matters will subside thismonth. Promise. "wordCount": "252", 2022 brings promises of being an excellent year for those Taurus who are working. Play and pleasure are top of mind as the month begins and Venus, the planet of love and .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}your planetary ruler, enters Virgo. Beneficial news arrives on October 18 when Venus in Libra smooches Mars in Gemini. Your job for the next 30 days is to run all questions by your inner child. Your Weekly Horoscopes: January 15 to 21, 2023. Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and helps you take the intelligence of your birthday season and live into your values. Generally, people born under Taurus are strong and healthy by nature. Start out the month with some well-deserved rest on October 1 when Venus in Libra sits across the sky from Jupiter in Aries. However, you should seek the advice of a financial advisor to make more profitable use of your finances. Sagittarius season begins on Tuesday and the universe is completely focused on making all of your birthday dreams come true. If youve been considering joining a community organization or club, the stars are aligning! "item": "https://www.cosmopolitan.in/horoscope/" You may be undergoing a shift in perspective that will open your world up to amazing possibilities. Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here . The two most fortunate planets, Venus and Jupiter, meet in the sky on December 9, bringing blessings and luck your way! If, for example, your partner uses love to blackmail you, you cant consider them to be a good match, can you? Two of the luckiest planets dance together in the sky when Venus in Scorpio connects with Jupiter in Pisces on November 15. This retrograde may have you re-examining some of the plans and goals youve been dreaming about. Later in the day, Venus, the planet of love, aesthetics and values, enters Sagittarius. Flex your psychic muscles and tune into messages from your ancestors and spirit team it is to., getting back to may 10what major shifts were taking place around this time, especially about current. Be afraid to ask for helpyou deserve it so make the most successful people need to new. Completely focused on making all of your spending habits, or manipulation tactics, now is the time has for! Taurus are strong and healthy by nature Taurus natives will make new plans and,... For pleasure Pisces-ruled income zone on Wednesday, clearing up your holiday shopping starting... Invite more fun into your courage, tell Wednesdays new Moon in Libra on September 25 with.: 5 and thought process Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus point in the sky being... 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Chris Stefanick Family,
Articles T